Musical Moments is an initiative between 3 local piano studios all with the same vision of wanting to give students a friendly musical forum to showcase their hard work. Each term we hire a local venue and students and parents come along for an informal presentation of music. Franz Schubert and his delightful set of “moments musicaux” are the inspiration behind the name. This term we had the special privilege of being joined by Jo Kotchie President of the WA Music Teachers Association. A student played an arrangement of one of Jo’s songs and Jo was on hand to encourage all young performers to have a shot at composing their own piece.
Vivo Piano strives to be a community based studio always finding ways for our students to connect with and encourage each other. Regular group lessons and activities just like this help create that sense of support even if it is just playing pieces to each other as they meet during lessons. Participating in wider local forums allows students to enjoy music across other studios. Students find it motivational hearing and watching others perform – and some even enjoy the process of getting prepared and then putting on a performance! It often leads to a few requests for new music which is always a positive thing. It also means that for those working towards public performances or exams they get a chance to fine tune their performance skills. And the teachers enjoy some tea and cake after together which is also greatly enjoyed! In this way for all of us piano need not be a lonely experience.